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A Full Email Sequence That Closed $100,000 in 30 Days

From First Touch, to Follow Up, to Break Up.

No.1: The “Free to Chat?” Email That Opens Up the Conversation

Free to chat?

Dr. [NAME],

Because I work so much within the [INDUSTRY NAME] industry, I constantly follow industry news. Recently I noticed that you’ve [COMPANY ACCOMPLISHMENT]. Congratulations!

Usually when that happens, [BUSINESS ISSUE] becomes a priority. That’s why I thought you might be interested in finding out how we helped [WELL-KNOWN COMPANY OR COMPETITOR] get going quickly in their new direction – without any of the typical cookie cutter approaches to marketing.

Check out our previous campaigns here – [LINK TO RELEVANT CASE STUDY].

If you’d like to learn more, let’s set up a quick call. Schedule 15 minutes here on my calendar – [Meetings Tool link].


P.S. If you’re not the right person to speak with, who do you recommend I talk to?

What this email does well:
Shows that they’re paying attention to the prospect
Demonstrates credibility by explaining that they helped another business with the same problem
Shares case studies so the prospect can do their research if they’re interested
Provides a simple way for the prospect to schedule a meeting

Follow Up Best Practice: Connect More Effectively With People Who Downloaded Information From Your Website

Scenario: You’re getting back to someone who downloaded a whitepaper or an e-book
Contributor: Rachel Miller, Sandler Training

The rules change just a bit when you are following up with prospects who have just downloaded information (for example, white papers like this one) from your website. These exchanges are in a different category from people who sent a direct email requesting information and specific answers. Of course, some of the principles and techniques previously discussed still apply. Here are the best guidelines to follow.

Respond as quickly as possible. This point is worth emphasizing. The chances are high that the prospect has made inquiries to competitors. Studies show that in many cases responding more than thirty minutes after the prospect’s inquiry can be too late! You are in a horse race to decide who gets ahold of the prospect first. Whoever does is likeliest to win the deal.

In this case, you DO want to call first whenever possible, instead of emailing first. This is because response time is key. If you call and don’t reach the prospect, you can leave a message like this: “Hi Jack, this is Greg from Sandler Training. Thank you so much for reaching out and downloading our eBook, ‘Why Salespeople Fail and What to Do about It.’ I have a question for you. It’s kind of important, but not urgent, so please give me a call when you get a chance at 123-456-7890. Thanks.” 

If you get the prospect on the phone, or when he calls back, establish appropriate rapport and then ask a question like this: “Can you help me with why you were interested in the white paper, and what you were hoping to learn?” This technique will help you to engage the prospect in a meaningful conversation and find out whether there are challenges in his world that you can help to address.

No.2: The “Here’s a Free Tool” Email That Provides Value to the Prospect

Free Physician Branding Tool

Hello Dr. [last name],

I’m following-up my previous email with free tool I think you’ll love.

It’s an brand analysis survey I created just for you (literally, your name is on it), that will help you understand how your practice is different from other doctors in [insert city they’re in].

Click here to begin the brand differentiation analysis survey. When we speak, I’ll benchmark your responses against the top physician brands around the country.

I’m sharing my calendar (click here) so we can schedule a convenient time to discuss.

Enjoy your weekend,


What this email does well:
Provides a free resource that could help the prospect
Makes the prospect feel special by letting them know it was made just for them
Makes it easy for the prospect to book a meeting by using the Meetings Tool

No.3: The “Trying to Connect” Email That Understands the Prospect is Busy

Re: trying to connect

Hi Dr. [last name],

I’m sorry we haven’t been able to connect. Again, I know how hectic things can get at work and with family.

I would be available for a call during weekends or before or after work hours if that’s easier for you. I don’t mean to bug you, but I do want to help you manage your team so you can exceed your goals of [GOAL].

To schedule a time on my calendar, just click here.


What this email does well:

Lets the prospect know he isn’t trying to pressure them or be pushy
Shows that he wants it to be convenient for the prospect by offering to speak outside of work hours
Continues to make it easy for the prospect to book a meeting using the Meetings Tool.

No.4: The “Permission to Close Your File” Email That Gracefully Closes the Loop

Permission to close your file?

Hi Dr. [last name],

I’m writing to follow up. We are in the process of closing files this month. Typically when I haven’t heard back from someone it means they are either really busy or aren’t interested. If you aren’t interested do I have permission to close your file?

If you are still interested, what do you recommend as a next step?

Thanks for your help.


What this email does well:
Lets the prospect know he won’t bother them anymore, and also gives them another chance to connect if they truly have been too busy
If interested, he asks the prospect to direct next steps to get some commitment






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